Measuring and improving patient experience
There are many ways to assess patient and carer expectations, experience and satisfaction but to do this simply, meaningfully, and across sites and services is far more challenging.
Over the past 10 years, most healthcare providers across the UK have been using tailored patient feedback surveys in various settings to assess experience. These have been conducted on paper forms, tablets, kiosks, and over the phone. These surveys, which often ask similar questions to the national patient experience surveys, have been used as both snapshots of particular time in a specific service or area as well as ongoing real-time, or frequent, feedback.
Practice shows that measuring what matters most, reporting it in a useful way, improving services on the back of it, and telling users about the changes made through their feedback is a challenging feedback loop to complete.
Can I help you improve patient experience?
I would love to have a conversation with you about measuring, understanding and improving experience for your team, site or organisation. I can help you with any of the following:
Measuring - assessing current data sources - including complaints and compliments, online rating tools, and surveys; creating surveys; refining questions; involving patients in measurement
Understanding - triangulating and analysing data; creating reports; reflecting on long-term trends; comparison; new ways to present qualitative data; engaging frontline staff in understanding experience; involving users
Improving - engaging teams; stakeholder analysis; building purpose; theory of change; IHI Model for Improvement; involving patients in improvement work
Spreading the news - informing patients of changes that have been made because of feedback through various communication mechanisms like 'You Said, We Did' boards, case studies, blogs, social media etc.
I have strong research and analysis, facilitation, coaching and advisory skills, depending on the task at hand and find these all come in handy with patient experience. Let me know what you need.
Fiona McKenzie trading as Human-Centred Health