Involving and engaging patients, carers and the public
Involvement & co-design methods
Local aims and context are fundamentally important in working out how best to involve and engage users in services. Here are some of the methods I can help you with:
Listening events
Co-design, co-creation and co-production workshops
Patient stories
Citizen charters
Inspections and audits
Membership development
Citizen juries
Participatory planning
Public displays of information
Focus groups and panels
Experience Based Co-Design
Journey and process mapping
Patient representatives (or partners) on boards, committees or groups
Patient or lay chairs on boards, committees or groups
To help with...
These methods for involving users might help with any of the following areas of practice:
Strategic development
Substantive improvement planning and work
Co-design and co-production
Clinical care
Supporting shared decision-making
Enabling self-management
Patient activation measure
Understanding and measuring what matters
Here are some of the diverse groups of users and patients I've worked with over the last few years:
Trust patient involvement groups and Involvement Leads
Council of Governors and members (for Foundation Trusts)
Other local or regional advisory groups – relating to local/regional forum
Recruitment in clinics and through clinicians
GP Practice Patient Participation Groups
Community organisations and groups
Health and Wellbeing Boards
Clinical Commissioning Groups
Online communities
Talk London online – set up by the Greater London Authority
MyHealthLondon – set up by NHS England (London)
NHS Citizen
Third sector condition-specific patient voice organisations on specific projects
Fiona McKenzie trading as Human-Centred Health